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博彩网址大全,SSM健康,加入美国国立卫生研究院的我们所有人的研究计划来帮助 Advance Precision Medicine

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St. Louisans soon will have the opportunity to join a first-of-its kind, national 努力推进医学研究,评估生物、生活方式和环境如何 impact health.  

All of Us research team

The All of Us research team. Photo by Joe Barker. 

博彩网址大全(博彩网址大全)和SSM健康将加入美国国立卫生研究院 Health’s (NIH) All of Us Research Program, a historic effort to collect and study data from one million or more people who 反映了美国的多样性,目标是提高人民的健康水平 all.

Through data shared by participants, the All of Us 研究计划提供了一个庞大的数据集,研究人员可以使用它来加速健康 研究和医学突破,使预防方法更加个性化, treatment and care. 

People who are interested in participating can choose to join the All of Us Research Program at 博彩网址大全 and SSM Health sites. 

“我们的目标是长期跟踪100万或更多生活在美国的人 为精准医疗提供信息,并克服几十年来没有将患者包括在内的问题 been historically underrepresented in medical research,” said Jeffrey Scherrer, Ph.D.他是家庭和社区医学教授,也是精神病学和行为学教授 博彩网址大全医学院神经科学教授,他是联合校长 investigator for the program at 博彩网址大全

从参与者那里收集的信息将提供给各地的研究人员 这个国家将能够访问大型数据集来推进具体的研究 projects. Already, there are more than 9,000 active research studies using All of Us data. The data and information shared with researchers does not contain individuals names or other information that could directly identify participants.

Funded by the NIH via a subcontract with the All of Us Trans America Consortium (TACH), 博彩网址大全 researchers are launching the program in St. Louis. While the initial funding is for five years, the program is designed to follow 参与者是长期的,研究人员希望这项倡议能继续下去 for up to ten years or longer. 

“现在正是启动这一具有里程碑意义的项目的恰当时机,因为我们现在 have a better understanding of genetics,” said Richard Grucza, Ph.D., professor of family and community medicine and health outcomes research at Saint 路易斯大学医学院的联合首席研究员 博彩网址大全.

“We have the technological capability to monitor people over time," Grucza said. "We have electronic health records so we can get data quickly. All of this data will accelerate 精准医疗,改善健康,兼顾各种贡献 to your health. Not just your diet and exercise, but where you live, what kind of 你的生活方式,你的职业,你的社会经济地位,你的基因标记.” 

选择参加该计划的人将分享健康和生活方式信息 通过调查和他们的电子健康记录,他们可以选择其他方面 包括提供血液、尿液和唾液用于实验室和DNA测试.

选择参加基因检测的个人可以选择看到他们的结果 over time and learn more about their own genetic history. They can also opt-out at any time and their data will be removed.

“这个项目的一大好处是,在人们报名参加之后, they can choose to receive a DNA report back,” said Kimberly Enard, Ph.D.他是博彩网址大全公共卫生与社会正义学院的副教授 co-investigator on the program. “For anybody who gets a result that they may find 令人担忧或难以理解的是,他们可以自由地与遗传咨询师交谈 about their results.” 

研究人员相信,现在在这个项目上投入的时间、金钱和精力将会带来好处 invaluable dividends in the future.  

“多亏了电子健康记录,我们将能够看到疾病是如何发生的 它的发展和进步都是实时的,”Scherrer说,他也是研究的联合主任 for 博彩网址大全’s Advanced HEAlth Data (AHEAD) Research Institute该中心致力于解决公共卫生问题,以改善患者的健康状况 through data-driven innovation.

“几年后,我们将有足够的数据来为所有不同的人量身定制医疗保健 而不仅仅是白人男性,传统上他们的比例过高 in studies. We'll learn about which treatments work for different people. We’ll also 了解你住的地方、你的工作类型或你的家族史是否发生了变化 your health outcomes or indicates a particular treatment.”

该项目是美国国立卫生研究院推进精准医学努力的一部分 以个人为中心,考虑到环境、生活方式、 family history and genetic makeup. By matching the right treatment to the right person, researchers believe health care can be more effective. 

“这将产生一个非常丰富的数据集,每个人都会感兴趣 the social sciences to cancer genetics,” said Grucza. “It will really get to individual level differences in risk. For example, there may be groups of people for whom a certain 疾病很大程度上是由遗传介导的,而对其他人来说,可能很大程度上是由遗传介导的 an environmental issue.”


Kimberly Enard, Ph.D.

该研究项目的中心目标之一是解决健康差距问题, conditions that remain unacceptably high across many demographics. Enrolling a diverse group of participants is the key to understanding where disparities originate and how to address them.    

“医学的未来将集中在解决和消除健康差距上,” Enard said. “But, it's hard to address health disparities if you have large gaps in 传统上服务不足和历史上被边缘化群体的数据,如原住民 美国人,非裔美国人,阿拉伯裔美国人,残疾人,LGBTQIA+人群, and people living in poverty. These are all groups that have not been well represented in previous studies and who may have different factors that impact their health.” 

For Scherrer, All of Us is an opportunity he and his colleagues have been preparing for. 

“这个项目真的很激动人心,因为这是我们第一次有机会 利用大数据揭开帷幕,解答无数关于 every area of human health you can imagine,” Scherrer said. “And, here at 博彩网址大全, the University has invested in faculty and resources in order to do this work through 成立了AHEAD研究所,该研究所的成立是为了使研究与 big data sets. 

“我们有教师和技能来利用这些数据,在很大程度上是因为 of this investment.” 

The organizations’ leaders shared their enthusiasm for the initiative. 

“SSM Health is excited to collaborate in the All of Us Research Program,” said Jeremy Fotheringham, RN, MHSA, JD, Academic, St. Louis & Southern Illinois Regional President of SSM Health. “Our commitment to fostering healthier 社区首先要对健康差异和遗传学有更深入的了解. 与博彩网址大全合作,以及我们的学术提供者的专业知识 with 博彩网址大全Care Physician Group, we strive to advance the future of healthcare. 

“由于这一倡议希望将100万人联合起来进行多样化的健康研究 数据库,一起,我们将迈向一个知识超越边界的未来, fostering a healthier world for all.” 

Christine Jacobs, M.D., dean of Saint Louis University School of Medicine, echoed those sentiments.

“我们真的被这个项目取得有意义进展的潜力所激励 in human health,” said Jacobs. “Along with our partners at SSM Health, we are extremely 为我们的研究人员和临床医生感到骄傲,并期待这个项目的启动."

People who are interested in learning more about participating in the All of Us Research Program at the 博彩网址大全 and SSM Health sites can visit or call 314-977-7600.